Support Temple Beth Shalom
Convenient contribution payment options
TBS Members
To make a contribution by credit card, e-check or billed select the option below.
Credit Card | eCheckBilled* If you are a member, or a preschool or primary school parent and you have not yet created a ShulCloud account, click on Forgot Your Password at the ShulCloud login.
Convenient contribution payment options
Non Members
To make a contribution by credit card or e-check select the option below. Please fill out the Visitors section.
Credit Card | eCheck* Non Members, if you wish to pay by check, you can print the Contribution Form (using this link), and enclose it with your payment to:
BIBLE ($118): To purchase new bibles for the synagogue. A bookplate on the inside cover will carry the dedication in honor of, or in memory of, and will also include the name of the donor.*
BIKUR CHOLIM FUND: To help in attending to families of the sick, i.e., hospital visits, get well flowers.
CHAI FUND ($18 minimum): To commemorate joyous occasions such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvah, baby naming, aufrufs, etc., and to further our religious and educational programs.
COLLEGE CONNECTION FUND: To provide holiday gift packages to college students.
DONALD I. LOWY: Used to further our religious and educational programs.
ELAINE & SAM HALPER BEAUTIFICATION FUND: To maintain and improve the aesthetic attributes of Temple Beth Shalom and to undertake related work and repairs.
ETERNAL LIFE FUND: In memory of a loved one or for commemorating the date of a Yahrzeit.
ETTA AND SAUL GANZ MEMORIAL FUND: To provide funds for the decoration of the Temple bima for Sukkot, fresh flowers and or plants during various holidays and Shabbatot throughout the year.
GENERAL FUND: To provide for Temple needs.
HARRIET D. GOLDBERG MEMORIAL FUND: To provide scholarships for those students wishing to pursue a career in Jewish communal life as rabbis, cantors, and educators.
HERITAGE CENTER FUND: To support the programs and initiatives organized by The Heritage Center Committee.
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND: To perpetuate the memory of those lost in the Holocaust.
KIDDUSH FUND: To support Kiddush on Shabbat and holidays throughout the year.
KOL NIDREI FUND: To make a High Holy Day contribution.
LANDSCAPE FUND: To help enhance the landscaping of the Temple grounds.
LYNN SAYRE PRESCHOOL FUND: To provide enhancements for the Philip J. Solondz Preschool at Temple Beth Shalom.
PRAYER BOOK FUND ($75): To purchase prayer books for our daily services, Shabbat services, and High Holy Days. A bookplate on the inside cover will carry the dedication in honor of, or in memory of, and will also include the name of the donor.*
RABBI SAMUEL L. COHEN MEMORIAL FUND: Is used to further our religious and educational programs.
SAMSON SYMCHOWICZ MEMORIAL FUND FOR HOLOCAUST STUDIES: To provide scholarship for those students wishing to pursue the study of the Holocaust.
SIMCHA FUND: To commemorate joyous occasions such as weddings, bar/bat mitzvah, baby namings, aufrufs, etc., and to further our religious and educational programs.**
STEVEN A. GELMAN YOUTH FUND: To provide funds to maintain our Youth Lounge.
YOUTH ENDOWMENT FUND: To provide subsidies for our youth to attend USY and Kadima conventions and programs.
TIKKUN OLAM-SOCIAL ACTION FUND: To support the many programs & initiatives organized by the Tikkun Olam Committee.
*Please note: Prayer books and Bibles are dedicated when the Temple purchases new ones – based on need- and may not go into circulation immediately
A beautiful way to commemorate a Simcha whether an anniversary, a bar/bat mitzvah, a birth, etc, is to make a donation to our Simcha Fund. For a donation of $250, we will inscribe a gold square to commemorate the event and display it permanently on the Simcha Menorah Wall. To download a copy of the Simcha Menorah Wall form just click here.
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