Golf Outing Full Width Image Slide
Happy Passover
Wishing all our Temple Beth Shalom family a Passover filled with peace, joy, and the warmth of community.
Golf Outing Full Width Image Slide
Happy Passover
Wishing all our Temple Beth Shalom family a Passover filled with peace, joy, and the warmth of community.


Selling of Chametz: 5784/2024

The selling of chametz is incumbent upon all of us, according to the commandment: “You shall remove all leaven from your houses” (Exodus 12:15). By asking a member of the clergy to be your agent, you may sign your name in a deed, which Rabbi Cohen will use as authorization to sell your chametz.

Sell Chametz

Click below to complete the form.

Click Here

Passover Schedule 2024/5784

Monday, April 22, First Seder

  • Fast of the First Born, service followed by Siyyum (in person & Live Stream): 7:30 am
  • Evening (Zoom)                                   6:00 pm
  • Candle Lighting                                   7:26 pm

Tuesday, April 23, Day 1 Yom Tov, Second Seder

  • Morning (in-person & Live Stream)    10:00 am

  • Evening (Zoom)                                   6:00 pm
  • Candle Lighting                                   8:28 pm

Wednesday, April 24, Day 2 Yom Tov

  • Morning (in-person & Live Stream)    10:00 am

  • Evening (Zoom)                                   7:30pm
  • Candle Lighting                                   8:30 pm

Saturday, April 27, Shabbat Chol HaMoed

  • Morning (in-person & Live Stream)    9:30 am

  • Shabbat ends                                      8:33 pm

Monday, April 29, Day 7 Yom Tov

  • Morning (in-person & Live Stream)    10:00 am

  • Evening (Zoom)                                   7:30 pm
  • Candle Lighting                                   8:37 pm

Tuesday, April 30, Day 8 Yom Tov

  • Morning (in-person & Live Stream)    10:00 am
  • Yizkor Approximately                        11:00 am
  • Evening (Zoom)                                   7:30 pm
  • Pesach ends                                        8:37 pm

Passover 5784/2024

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