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High Holy Days 2024 / 5785
Discover everything you need to prepare for a spiritually enriching High Holy Days experience – from schedules to livestream options.
Family Passover Seder

High Holy Days 2024 / 5785

A full schedule to be announced in Fall 2024

The High Holy Day schedule for 2024 / 5785 will be announced in Fall 2024. Keep up with the latest TBS news and events by visiting our website. We’ll announce the posted schedule in the Fall.

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The Samuel L. Halper Book of Remembrance

Jews throughout the world traditionally take time to remember their loved ones during the High Holy Days. Temple Beth Shalom continues this tradition through the preparation of our annual Roll of Remembrance, which will be shared on Yom Kippur

The 2023 Book of Remembrance form is now closed. To add your name to an addendum that will be placed on our website, please email [email protected]. In your email, make sure to include the following:

– Name of each person who you are remembering, i.e., Abraham Cohen

– The person’s relationship to you, i.e., Father, Grandfather

– Who is remembering that person, i.e., Sarah and Isaac Cohen & Family

– The amount you would like to donate, if applicable. We will bill your account.

*** To review the 5784-2023 Book of Remembrance, click here. For the addendum, click here.

Worship News & Events

Summer Brunch & Learn Series

TBS and TBA are thrilled to partner for weekly, clergy-led Brunch n’ Learn sessions throughout the summer. We look forward to learning with you!

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Temple Beth Shalom Preschool

Preschool Enroll Now

Preschool enrollment is open now! We’re pleased to announce our NEW INFANT CARE PROGRAM for ages 3-12 months Contact us...

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Shuk at the Shul

This year, our Shuk will be exploring various coastal towns in Israel. Join us for a fun evening out and...

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